2024/25 Book Launch and 'Meet the Author' Zoom Meeting.  Barber, Bruce Popular Modernisms: Art, Cartoons, Comics and: Cultural In/Subordination Common Ground Research Network Press, The Arts in Society Series. Illinois.

February 14th 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
The Sweetest Little Thing Valentine Fundraising Auction Struts Gallery and Owens Galleries, Sackville New Brunswick


Reviews by Miklos Legrady Artist and Canadian Editor New Art Examiner

INTERVIEW: BRUCE BARBER: https://www.itsliquid.com/interview-brucebarber.html

Recent Interview: http://www.circuit.org.nz/blog/no-one-works-alone-an-interview-with-bruce-barber


Quebec City for the RIAP Convention organised by Galerie Le Lieu and Inter magazine where I presented a PowerPoint lecture on "Atlantic Performance Art" Quebec City September 16th Performance (1998-2018). The papers presented by over 20 international authors during a three-month period will become a book produced by Inter publications and edited by Richard Martel, Guy Sioux Durand and Alain Martin Richard. The presentations were also recorded and live streamed on line.

Journal Essay: Bruce Barber “Audience Crowd and State” with a selection of audience arrangement drawings (1978) in A Public Space No. 26 January, 2018 Brooklyn, New York City.

Journal Essay: Bruce Barber “The Pharmakon and the Poisonous Gift” in Precipice: Writing on the Edge edited by Jade Lascelles and Kristen Park Wedlock, The Precipice  Collective  Boulder, Colorado.  precipice-collective.org

September 15, 2018 Panel Discussion Bertrand Russell Reading Room McMaster Museum of Art
Bruce Barber, Artist and Professor 
in conversation with McMaster University faculty

Virginia Aksan, Professor Emeritus, Department of History

James Ingram, Professor, Department of Political Science

Neil McLaughlin, Professor, Department of Sociology

They speak about key themes relating to the exhibition including, but not limited to:

Pacifism and its continued relevance in today’s globalized world
– Feminist Approaches to Bertrand Russell’s philosophy

– Academics, Public intellectuals and Political Activism

View on YouTube


I Swear Conference panel discussion was podcast and available Te Tuhi through Facebook and Sound Cloud.  I Swear Panel Discussion - Bruce Barber - Te Tuhi - 14 October 2017 Podcast

I Swear 13 May 2017 - 22 October 2017

I Swear Te tuhi panel on immigration and citizenship Moderator, Bruce Phillips Curator

Bringing together a range of practicing artists, academics and researchers, this roundtable discussion explores issues of precarious citizenship, temporary labour and refugee resettlement in Aotearoa.

The discussion brings elements of the exhibition 'I Swear' by Bruce Barber at Te Tuhi (13 May - 29 October 2017) into conversation with recent local and global political events and explore their impact upon the colonial legacy of Aotearoa and the Pacific.


Pauline Gardiner Barber (chair)

Professor of Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University, Canada. Migration specialist working on Philippine global migration. Her most recent project explores the transnational effects of recent major changes to Canada’s “just-in-time” immigration system.

Arama Rata (Ngati Maniapoto, Taranaki, and Ngaruahine)

After completing a PhD in Psychology, she lectured in Maori Studies at Victoria University of Wellington. Now at the National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis, she has research projects into a variety of Maori issues, including attitudes towards immigration and political participation. Dr. Rata is also the Maori spokesperson for MARRC (Migrants and Refugee Rights Campaign).

Andrea Merino-Ortiz

MA anthropology student interested in the effects of New Zealand’s heavy reliance on volunteers in the resettlement of Columbian refugees. She explores how volunteers affect resettlement, and how refugees engage with volunteer-based assistance in the process of resettlement.

Mua Strickson-Pua

Reverend Mua Strickson-Pua is a Samoan-Chinese poet born in Aotearoa. He is a Presbyterian minister and community work chaplain practitioner of P.A.T.H. Pasifika Arts for Therapy and Healing at Tagata Pasifika Resources Development Trust serving Pacific nations communities in Auckland for the last ten years. He is also the co-founder of Street Poets Black.

The panel discussion was podcast and available Te Tuhi through Facebook and Soundcloud. I Swear Panel Discussion - Bruce Barber - Te Tuhi - 14 October 2017



Universities Art Association Annual Meeting, NSCAD Halifax November 5-7 2015 
Chair: “Performance and Critical Pedagogy” Session 1 & 2 with six participants Johanna Householder (OCAD U, Clive Robertson (Queens U) Paulette Philips (OCAD U), Johanna Matuszak (Indiana U Bloomington), Anna Sprague NSCAD U) and Shalon Webber-Heffernan (Queens U) .

Paper presentation: “Performance and performativity in the work of Carole Conde and Karl Beveridge” in NSCAD Press…A Centre for Photographic Studies Chaired by Martha Langford, Concordia University

On Line lecture: “Last Tango in Paris: Art, Desire, Death” for the course Performing Desire; initiator Dr. Sigrid Hackenberg, Director of the Institute of Critical Philosophy) GCAS (Global centre for Advanced Studies), December 2015. On line lecture employs BBB (Big Blue Button software) for interactive engagement with students.

Cabaret Voltaire Atlantique Art Bar + Projects Weekly Dada 1916-2016 Coordinator, Dada Centenary Performances, Film and Lectures January 2016 – April 2016 
12 Events with performance, video and PowerPoint presentations Monday evenings: 6.30pm-8.00pm

Research Hangout (organised by Dr. Max Haiven) Lecture Bruce Barber “Recent Examples of Littoral Art.”


College Art Association Annual Meeting, Chicago February 2014
Panel: The Delinquent Curator: Has the Curator Failed Contemporary Art?
Co Chairs: Brad Buckley and John Conomos, University of Sydney. Paper Title: “Taking care of business: the art curator as ‘hedge fund manager’ to the art world’s Ponzi scheme.”

Project Anywhere Symposium Parsons School of Design NYC
Invitational Paper title: “a Philosophical Foundation for Projects Anywhere. December 2014

AUT Auckland University of Technology) Performance Symposium Action and Delay: A Symposium on Temporality in Performance and Media Art. December 2013 Keynote Paper Title: Relegated Action: “Performance Nominalism and Discontent”

NYC October 16-18 Presented a paper “Weak Force: Collaboration” and Chaired a panel “Art & Activism in the Public Sphere” at the School of Visual Arts conference on Collaboration in the Arts held at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, October 16-18 2013.

Bruce Barber chaired the opening Panel “Art & Activism in the Public Sphere” for the Tracing the City: Interventions of Art in Public Space conference organized by Martha Radice, Sol Nagler and Kim Morgan. The panel included Max Haiven, Erika Walker, Carla Taunton, Marc James Léger and Karin Cope. October 10-12 2013

Guest Lecture: “The Halifax ‘Bomb Scare’ and the Critical Art Ensemble “Dalhousie University Schulich Law School lecture series. September 2013

Conferences 2013-2014

March 7-9 2014 Cineflux Symposium: The Parade of the Old/New 
Chair: Panel “Pop-Up and Situational Cinema” NSCAD University

February 12-15 2014 College Art Association Annual meeting Chicago Hilton Hotel: Paper Presentation “The Curator as Hedge Fund Manager to the Art World’s Ponzi Scheme” in The Delinquent Curator Chaired by Brad Buckley and John Conomos Sydney University

October 2013
October 10-12 Bruce Barber chaired the opening Panel “Art & Activism in the Public Sphere” for the Tracing the City: Interventions of Art in Public Space conference organized by Martha Radice, Sol Nagler and Kim Morgan. The panel included Max Haiven, Erika Walker, Carla Taunton, Marc James Léger and Karin Cope.

Barber, Bruce Littoral Art and Communicative Action edited by Marc James Leger Common Ground Press: Arts in Society Series Illinois 2013 was launched at the Tracing the City conference.

November 18th presented a performance titled Urban Tracer for the art program of the Tracing the City symposium

October 16-18 Presented a paper “Weak Force: Collaboration” and Chaired a panel “Art & Activism in the Public Sphere” at the School of Visual Arts conference on Collaboration in the Arts held at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. 

Professional Work 
•November 14-16
 Bruce was invited to Helsinki to be one of two external examiners of Jay Koh, PhD candidate at the Finnish Academy of Art.

•November also acted as external examiner for Sussi Porsborg, PhD candidate at the University of Newcastle, Australia.


Bruce Barber Littoral Art and Communicative Action edited by Marc James Léger Common Ground Press Arts In Society Series Illinois (May 2013)

Essays and reviews:

Book review Bruce Barber " The Art World's Dark Matter" Review of Gregory Sholette.  Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture. Pluto Press, 2011. 240 pp.in Critique: Reviews in Culture August 2012 3:2 http://www.reviewsinculture.com/?r=92

Bruce Barber "Appropriation/Expropriation: Convention or Intervention ?" in  PARACHUTE : The Anthology, ed. Chantal Pontbriand, Volume I : Museums and Theory, JRP/Ringier, Zurich, 2012. : http://www.jrp-ringier.com/pages/index.php?id_r=4&id_t=&id_p=18&id_b=2086

Essays in Catalogues:

Bruce Barber Review of “Tripping to Dana Point 1974” for catalogue accompanying Serge Guilbaut retrospective exhibition of his artwork at the Koerner Gallery of the University of British Columbia, March 21 – April 4, 2012.

Conference and other public presentations:

Co-Chair with John Powers CAA Los Angeles “The PhD for Artists sense or Non Sense” February 2012
-- Participant “Reinventing the Reel? What the cinematic turn in contemporary art owes to film and film history,” CinemArts: SCMS Film and Art History Scholarly Interest Group, Annual Meeting, Boston, March 24, 2012.
Paper UAAC Paper “The Visible/Invisible Avant Garde” Montreal November 2012
Paper  CAA “Performance Nominalism and its Discontents” (College Art Association) NYC , February 2013.



“You Sir are a space too!” What Ad Reinhardt and Jacques Derrida have to Teach us Erasure” College Art Association NYC February 2011



Paper “Pygmalion’s Power Bucket of Blood (1959) and Peeping Tom (1960)  
1959/1960 “Breathless Days” Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C.. 
“Emancipated Spectators and the Coming Community: Nancy, Agamben and Ranciere”
Art & Society Conference in Association with the Sydney Biennale July 23rd 2010
“A Critique of Critical Critique: Tendenzkunst and Creative Detention.” UAAC, Guelph University November 2010; Co-Chair with Dr. Marc Leger Neo Liberal Undead 
“Kiwi Canuck Conceptualism” Traffic: Conceptual Art Conference U of T Barnicke Gallery 
Sydney Biennale Australian Pavilion Institute of Contemporary Art Newton Sydney Australia Sydney “Alphabet Bomber” Installation one of three International Artists in 'Swallow it, dog!'  May 2010
1959/1960 “Breathless Days” Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C. Paper: “Pygmalion’s Power Bucket of Blood (1959) and Peeping Tom (1960).  
Art & Society Conference in Association with the Sydney Biennale July 2010



Paper delivered at the Vision of War conference School of Visual Arts New York City October 
Annual Metropolis Conference “The Newcomer Artist Project” Mount Saint Vincent University Halifax, 2009
Visiting Artist Presentation: Brock University School of Fine Arts, Ontario 2009
“The Newcomer Artists project” Art & Society Conference Venice July/August 
“Trans/actions: Art, Film and Death” Summary European Graduate School Lecture August 


Bruce Barber Four lectures as Visiting Artist in Resident Manukau School of Visual Arts, MIT
NZ Lecture Tour: Otago School of Art & University of Otago, Dunedin NZ  
Visiting Artist lecturer; Elam School of Fine Arts University of Canterbury, Christchurch; New Zealand Film Archive and Adam Art Gallery Wellington;    N.Z., Fine Arts Department Program AUT Auckland Technical University 
School of Fine Arts at Newcastle University (two lectures)
Participant and presenter: Roundtable on PhD Education in the Fine Arts, Victoria College of Arts, Melbourne. September 2008 
Sydney College of Art (U of S) Panel discussion on PhD Supervision in the Visual Arts.